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It has happened to the best of us
All computer users have experienced one common problem that is inevitable when working with technology that is when the computer breaks down. Remember the critical moment and try to recall what you did. As it was probably the first time you had experienced your computer breaking down the odds are that you probably got it fixed by an expert.
The expert could have been online, in a specialty electronic store or it even could have been a store owned by your local wifi network provider. Nonetheless, it was probably heavy on your wallet.
But that was back then
Keep in mind that you have grown and gained knowledge since that first incident and have become closer to know your own computer as well as have a general knowledge about technology and how it works so that you are better prepared.
Whether it’s a big problem or a small issue, you can fix your own computer like a pro with this DIY guide on fixing your own computer.
1. Make sure that your computer’s battery is fully charged
Your computer’s battery is the life and soul of your device as it allows it to run well. While you are working on fixing your own computer, you should always check first if your computer has sufficiently charged a battery to make sure that you have enough power to be constantly tinkering on your electric device.
You do need to be able to turn your computer on in order to fix it right? Therefore, unless you want to be cut off halfway during a critical moment while fixing your own computer, you should have a fully charged battery. You never know how long you will be needing to dedicate your time, knowledge and effort on your own computer so the more your computer’s battery is charged, the better it is.
2. Does your computer just need a simple reboot?
Take it from me, as somebody who has had to use old computers in the past, present, and likely in the near and far future that certain computers just get tired from time to time. You can think of a computer like a human in these terms as we all get sluggish and tired when we’ve been working hard for a long period of time.
If you have been using your computer constantly for an extended amount of time, odds are that it’s tiring but luckily this is a simple problem that can be fixed without the need for a large-scale operation. If this is the case, is to turn your computer off and give it, as well as your eyes, a much-needed break.
3. Maybe your computer is just too old (try a Chromebook instead)
Have you already tried to fix your own computer but even though you’ve followed both written and oral instructions down to the last detail and yet nothing has worked? This is a common answer many technicians, amateurs, novices, beginners and general technological device users have arrived at. Maybe your computer is just too old.
If this is the case for you then it’s time to buy a new computer. If you need help in searching the marketplace, then it’s highly recommended that you consider a Chromebook, which promises to not get slow over time.
4. Keep the technical support expert nearby
No matter how well you think you have come to know your computer or how much knowledge you think you have on technology in general, it’s always good to keep a trained, certified, and professional expert on hand just in case. So, while you are working on your own computer and a difficult problem does arise, call up tech support if you absolutely need to.
5. Do not rush the process
Just like the story of the tortoise and the hare, it’s better to be slower in order to get the job done right instead of rushing the process and either creating a sloppy mess that will need to be fixed again or which cannot be fixed at all.
6. Restart and start again
On the other hand, you might have just been neglecting your computer. This doesn’t technically mean that you have been throwing your computer on the ground and surfing the black side of the web full of hackers and viruses but it can be simple like leaving a window open for too long or having a bad habit of binge-watching your favorite television show through
All you need to do in order to restart your computer is to find the option on your computer that is labeled restart, and then follow the necessary steps from there such as agreeing to the terms and conditions of what the restart will do and maybe quit a few stubborn windows in the process.
You can locate most computer restart options from a scroll down list after hovering over your computer’s icon.
7. Consider the possibility of a sick computer
If you suddenly face a problem with your computer, then you should keep in mind that it might not have been your fault. There is a great possibility that your computer’s current issue has been caused by a virus or an attack from a hacker in which case you should actively seek the help from a professional as these issues can be dangerous since it leaves your computers private files exposed to a grave threat.
Hackers and viruses can affect everyone but there are certain steps that can be taken in order to avoid this terrible fate. To ensure a safe time on the web, you should always make sure that your computer is up to date on the latest antivirus software, as well as only logging on to secure websites.