Ola on Monday announced the roll-out of its AI-enabled safety feature ‘Guardian’ in 17 markets across India and Australia. The Ola ‘Guardian’ feature is going live in 16 Indian cities as well as Perth in Australia after a successful pilot across multiple cities in India and international markets.
The ‘Guardian’ safety feature, developed by Ola as a world-first, uses real-time data from rides to automatically detect irregular trip activity, including prolonged stops and unexpected route deviations. The SoftBank-backed company aims to take Guardian to more cities in the coming quarter.
“We are focused on developing innovations that place customer safety at the heart of platform experience. ‘Guardian’ brings together the precision of artificial intelligence with the assurance of human intervention, enabling a uniform and safe mobility experience across the markets we operate in,” – Arun Srinivas, Chief Sales and Marketing Officer, Ola.
Customers can also alert police authorities and their loved ones in parallel, through the Emergency button on the app. Ola Guardian is built on artificial intelligence and machine learning capabilities on the Ola platform which enables it to continuously learn and evolve from millions of data points every single day, to improve risk signaling and instant resolution.
This feature is live across India and is also being piloted in various international markets.