Facebook is dependant to a huge extent on renewable energy and now they have decided to purchase clean power worth of 5 gigawatts in which 3.5 gigawatts can be expected to be online.
For now, we must understand that 1GW power can run 700,000 homes for a day, whereas Facebook uses the power for the maintenance of social media’s vast data centers besides the offices.
The environmental groups have been complaining about the technology companies that have been using so much power. Facebook has been making the power grids safer and greener, and thus the regulation of the renewable power supply must be seen by Facebook sooner.
The utilization of wind turbines and solar panels must be done in order to evenly distribute the power demands. Energy sources like wind and solar energy can be used only when the sun shines or it is windy and thus these sources are rare and do not meet the necessary demands to maintain the power demands.
Thus fossil fuel-based nuclear energy is used for power which is not a clean source. To make these clean energy usable and storable the cost will rise highly. The sources can be converted to hydrogen, ethanol, or ammonia for future uses.
Facebook is planning to use AI for better catalysts beyond platinum. Carnegie Mellon University has come up with Facebook whereby they have made of 1.3 million simulations datasheet of the quantum mechanical interactions between molecules of two chemical compounds when they come into contact.
Thus using AI, the datasheet can be accessed and thus the catalysts can be analyzed and used for better usability and productivity.