The cloud-based instant messaging and video telephoning chat forum Telegram has recently tweeted about its newer developments centering around the upcoming Halloween event.
The tweet attaches a blog post from the official websites that have mentioned the developments, segmented as pinned messaged 2.0, Improved Live Locations, Play Lists, Channel Post Stats, New Animations as well as emojis, and many more.
1. Pinned Messages: The earlier pinned messages are now updated as multiple pinned messages where a simple tap at the top bar will allow easy access to jump between the messages, or else a new button has been provided for retrieving them and viewing on a separate page. This will also initiate one-on-one chats that can be used ‘from shopping lists to friendly wagers and beyond.”
2. Improved live Locations: A new notify button will now alert the user to know when friends are nearby when their location has been already shared with the user. In fact, icons are also included here that will show on the map, directions they are facing.
3. Playlist: Sending songs now will become more organized and easier to access, for now, they will be arranged together in a playlist. In fact, track queues will further enable back to the back playing of the songs by Telegram’s built-in media player.
4. Channel Post Stats: Telegram has developed newer tools for admins to track subscriber activity in channels. One can also view stats for individual posts including a list of post channels.
5. New Animations and Emojis: Newer animations have been added for sensing messages and switching songs between music players. Another best feature is that users can easily send or edit a photo without downloading it. Moreover, a new brush button provided will allow adding a skull sticker on the photo without much hassle.
Coming to the emojis, several Halloween themed emojis have been added.
And to spice up this whole thing, one might get jackpot games in between chats.
The blog also mentions how to update to this new Telegram messenger as this version is already available for Android users. One can easily access this through Google Play or Apk file. However, iOS users still need to wait a while.