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Why Women are the new media in 21st century?

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The Iron Lady and the first woman Prime Minister of Britain had quoted this back in the 20th century.

If you want something said, ask a man; if you want something DONE, ask a woman. – Margaret Thatcher

Even today, in this world of modernization and digitization, the above statement still stands true. In fact, with the growth in technology, women’s roles have intensified and their contribution to the society has increased many folds. Today’s woman dons the hat of not just a homemaker, but a leader, a working professional, a marketer or an influencer.

The sudden boom in the IT industry has led to technological advancements and with it the upsurge in social media. The modern women are actively present on all social media platforms, and interestingly tend to rule social media. They influence purchase decisions, set trends, and decisive fashion. According to a study by indaHash, 68% of the social media influencers are female, 47% of the females (vs 36% males) post social media content 1-3 times a day and 45% females (vs 31% males) tend to buy the things they see on the eCommerce sites.

Women as influencers

Influencing is an art which shapes the perception of the consumers. And believe it or not, but women are exceptionally good at influencing. Women, in comparison to men, spend more time preparing posts before publishing them. And thus have a much greater power to affect the purchasing decision of others by having an active involvement over the social platform.

But what is an influencer?

An influencer is a way of life, it’s a status and in fact, an influencer is a new profession!

Most of the influencers tend to do this as a full time earning a job, many do it out of passion and a lot more experiment with their social media skills as a part-time or side business. But the fact of the matter is they seriously make a lot of content each day. And out of 87% self-conscious influencers, 64% actually treat their jobs seriously!

As interesting as it seems, there are more social media influencers among women and fewer YouTubers. Yet, female influencers, in comparison to male influencers work harder than men. They put in there heart and soul to create the best content.

Let us consider this when a woman participates in social networks she can, for instance, upload photos on Instagram and simultaneously “like” a post on Facebook and share a link on LinkedIn. Contrary to this men have a lesser participation involved.

They tend to be more selective when it comes to getting engaged in conversations and tend to share similar content over and over again. Also, it has been noticed that Pinterest and Instagram are the two major female-dominated platforms, with Facebook ranking third. YouTube & LinkedIn, however, remain male-dominated.

Women being the key influencers market many brands and design strategies so as to directly target feminine audience with intended target messages using convincing pictures, appealing graphics, warm colors and dramatic video contents with the sophisticated style of music.

From an agency’s perspective, women influencers do not wish to compete with traditional markets; they wish to create their own niche, share more Insta stories than Snapchats; have authentic content and become more professional in their approach to cooperation with certain brands.

A woman will spend more time pursuing influencing as a professional, so as to become professional influencers; pursue their passion and generate genuine buyers. It’s often a hard realized fact, but women, due to influencing have the potential to persuade and dissuade minors to major buying decisions. Like Hillary Clinton, once quoted, “Women are the largest untapped reservoir of talent in the world.” Henceforth, a woman can be the new media!

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