7 Advantages Digital Video Surveillance System Provides

Surveillance has become a significant part of our lives. With different types of crime surfacing, we are always in a defensive state of mind. In various safety and security fields, countless debates are being held on the advantages and disadvantages of the security systems at hand. While some people are against the current level of security that is available to a common man, I think innovative and superior ways to raise security levels should be worked upon.

Whether you’re an owner or an employee, student or a teacher, a mother or a child, driver or passenger, security surely means a great deal to you. Crime rates are at an all-time high, every other day; we come across an article in the daily newspaper or on Facebook that makes us question humanity. The world has become dangerous, and if we don’t know how to fight, we should at least do everything in our power to prevent it.

Mentioned below are seven advantages of a digital video surveillance system.

1. Reduces mishaps

While most people point out that a security system cannot stop crimes, I tend to disagree; security cameras are a tool of deterrence. You’ll have fewer chances of being robbed or vandalized as long as you have one. While a security camera may not be able to stop the crime there and then, it can surely help in putting the culprits behind bars.

Apart from that, security cameras are now equipped with silent alarms and automated systems that can alert the authorities to take action without the culprits realizing. This leads to the rise in the police response time, which can lead to the culprit’s arrest at the spot. However, to make sure that these features work, you should not experiment with the installation process and let the security camera installation companies do their job.

2. Larger storage capacity

The second advantage that I would like to talk about is storage capacity. Analog cameras have limited storage capacity. In this, you have to insert an empty disk so that the footage can be transferred onto a CD for later use. Digital security cameras back up their entire data on the cloud that makes it much easier to access archived data.

For example, what if you had an analog security camera and the room in which you stored the data was flooded, or set on fire: you would lose everything. I’ve seen enough movies to know that getting rid of physical data is much easier than encrypted data. Data that goes onto the cloud can never be eradicated. Even in case of a hack, there is always a digital footprint that you can follow to regain your relevant data.

3. Easy to install

Another advantage of a digital video surveillance system or security camera system is its easy installation process. While analog cameras have dozens of wires to fix, wireless cameras are easy to install.

They are also resistant to a significant degree of environmental conditions, which makes it a better option. Analog cameras aren’t resistant to weather conditions, and if you do end up buying an analog security system, you’ll spend most of the time fixing it. A significant number of people are technologically challenged and need something that is easily manageable; hence, widespread approval for digital camera systems for security.

4. 24/7 Access

The greatest benefit of all is that you have 24/7 access to the security footage. You can get alerts of anything that seems out of order. Digital security cameras now have the technology to set trip-wires and send an alert message to your phone.

It also means that you can be ahead of things, for example, if you see someone suspicious around your house, you can call the police or alert the people inside. This feature has saved lives in the past and continues to be a great source of protection for the ones you love.

5. Higher rates of productivity

If you have an indoor camera in the office, it is bound to increase productivity rates. For example, if you knew that your boss was keeping an eye on you at all times, you would surely cut those water breaks short and get back to your cabin as soon as possible.

If you have an indoor camera at your home, your nanny, the caretaker, and the children will behave much better while you’re away. Knowing that someone in charge has an eye on you can lead to a rise in productivity levels.

6. Cost-effective

Digital cameras are also cost-efficient. Fewer cameras can cover vast distances, and you don’t have to invest in extra lighting options. You wouldn’t have to build specific infrastructure to keep the cameras away from extreme weather conditions.

While you would have to invest a substantial amount in analog wiring, digital cameras are wireless. Granted there are some wired options available as well, they use high-end wires for the sake of video transmission and power. Digital cameras come with advanced features such as motion detectors and temperature sensitivity. The security cameras can issue an alert to your phone if there is a movement in an unauthorized area or if the temperature fluctuates.

7. Less stress

It will also keep your mind at ease. Knowing that the things that you hold near are taken care of properly will give you a sense of satisfaction. Despite taking security measures, if something does go wrong, you’ll have a 90% chance to get a hold of the assailant. Knowing that you’re in charge can give you a sense of confidence. Once your mind is free from such concerns of security, you can channel all your energy at more productive tasks. 

After going through the above-mentioned advantages of a digital video surveillance system, you better understand the pros and cons that you’ve read before this. Know that security is a significant concern today; one should make security his/her number one concern. While conspiracy theories do raise questions with regard to privacy vs. security, I would like to leave you with a question, would you rather have your privacy or your security?

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