There’s no doubt that social influencer marketing continues to grow at an exponential rate across the globe, with sponsored posts on Instagram generating an estimated one billion likes in 2017 alone. When you also consider that this social media channel hit one billion active users in June of last year, there’s an incredible opportunity for brands to market themselves through this channel.
So, while influencer marketing cannot be described as a new concept, it’s currently being revolutionized by the use of artificial intelligence. This is especially common in nations like Australia, where AI is driving a technology-led evolution across numerous sectors and industries.
In this post, we’ll take a closer look at this evolution, by asking how social influencer marketing can be improved by AI.
The benefits of AI
In simple terms, AI is a complex computer system that has the capacity to work and think in a similar way to humans.
As a result, AI provides an opportunity for individuals to utilize machine learning, reasoning, and detailed data analysis to streamline the processes involved with influencer marketing. This enables marketers to focus solely on their output and their core human strengths, creating more effective campaigns that deliver tangible results.
Beyond this, AI is also capable of analyzing any trends and patterns associated with the content produced by creators. So, brands that leverage AI technology will be able to identify the most relevant creators and social influencers for their campaigns, which in turn will lead to the development of content that’s tailormade for their target audience.
On a similar note, contemporary AI systems can now identify the trends and patterns of content that are most likely to engage a particular audience. This means that brands can easily determine the most popular content formats and subjects in real-time, enabling them to gain greater exposure and drive higher conversion rates within their target market.

This is beneficial for both brands and social influencers alike, as they can collaborate more effectively together while optimizing profitability across different campaigns.
Interestingly, AI has also provided incremental gains in the quest to combat influencer fraud. This occurs when creators pander to inauthentic or paid followers, but the application of AI allows for far greater transparency by identifying patterns of suspicious behavior across a range of social media accounts.
This is considered to be a significant scourge on the industry, and one that continues to damage the reputation of social influencer marketing in some sectors.
The last word
Make no mistake; AI has already had a considerable impact on social influencer marketing, from the perspective of both creators and individual brands.
The rise of AI is also delivering practical benefits to social influencer marketing, by minimizing the risk of fraud and creating more effective partnerships between brands and content creators.
As AI becomes an increasingly prominent part of social influencer marketing, we’re also likely to see subtle changes to entertainment law in Australia and across the globe.
After all, social media and entertainment platforms are constantly evolving in line with technological innovation, so regulators and lawmakers must consider the impact of AI when creating updated guidelines.