Android version today has released its latest WhatsApp Update. The link for updating your old Whatsapp version to the new one is now available and can be downloaded via the link given below as it might not be available over Play Store.
We have figured out that this latest update comes with several features, such as bug fixing implemented in the previous beta versions, where it stands out to be the final beta.
However, it still has some limitations, which states that it might not be a suitable option for an update to a beta tester. This is only made for the non-beta tester as it has been built and reserved for everyone.
The minimum requirements for this version
- Android OS 4.0.3 or above
- Unlimited internet data plan recommended
- Tablet devices are not supported
This update’s main focus is to detect how WhatsApp process one’s data, enabling the business to use Facebook hosted services to store and manage their Whatsapp chats.
This version will also elucidate learning and imparting details on which of the chats are end-to-end encrypted, which earlier tend to be restricted with minute details only. Therefore, this will obstruct the WhatsApp party not to be a part of a chat that the user wishes to keep privacy upon.