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Apple at WWDC 2018 Introduces iOS 12, watchOS 5, macOS Mojave, and ARKit 2

Aniruddha Paul
Aniruddha Paul
Writer, passionate in content development on latest technology updates. Loves to follow relevantly on social media, business, games, cultural references and all that symbolizes tech progressions. Philosophy, creation, life and freedom are his fondness.

“Manage your lifestyle sorting out priorities and adjusting time investment via your devices” – is perhaps the message Apple wants to send to the users via its entire presentation at the Apple WWDC 2018 in San Jose Convention Center, California. In the newness, it has brought a host of conveniences for the worldwide users of iPhone, iPad, and Mac computers.

The event kicked off with a video depicting the developers as one kind of species, praising their hard work globally across today’s devices and apps. At the same time, the brand focused on performance and reliability, that were in high demand since last year due to numerous technical glitches on its devices.

Apple started with the App Store that will turn 10 years in July 2018. Developers have earned over $100 billion from the App Store.

We believe that coding is an essential skill and believe it should be offered by every school in the world. – Tim Cook

Craig Federighi, senior VP of Software Engineering, Apple, was the leading face in the presentation that was all about software. The next release coming from Apple is the iOS 12, and it will be a free update.

The update will make launching apps, keyboards, and cameras 40%, 50%, and 70% faster than iOS 11. Next, AR is one of the major subjects Apple covered, coming up with a new file format named USDZ in collaboration with Pixar.

Native USDZ support will be hitting the Adobe Creative Cloud with new apps, one of which is an iOS app for AR. This app is the WYSIWYG, letting users take images and text to put in AR. Apple also brought a measurement tool for AR that’s simply called ‘Measure’. It has a camera view for easy measuring any object, even 3D ones.

USDZ also supports iPad and of course, the web. Create an AR object, tap it and see it for real through your camera! People who missed watching this did really miss something cool there!

Apple ARKit 2Next in the line of introductions was the ARKit 2, which brings: improved face tracking, realistic rendering, 3D object detection, persistent experiences, and shared experiences; alongside multiplayer support. Furthermore, the tech giant partnered with Lego to demonstrate AR as you’ve never seen before!

Search has been improved with photo recognition, search suggestions, indexing events and place, and more. Then it was Siri’s time to showcase improvements on suggestions, shortcuts, integrations with Search and Kayak, etc.

Stock apps rebuilt and voice memos rebuilt are coming to iPad, and iCloud support for syncing recordings has been brought as well. Apple Books has gone through an entirely new redesign. CarPlay updates and third-party navigation support also deserve mention.

The modern usage of smartphones and other smart devices has made Apple focus on notification and app management, as it brings numerous new features, ranging from DnD to App Limits. New Animojis with Tongue Detection technology also brings the space to create an emoji of yourself! Memoji builders do the same more profoundly by scanning your face.

watchOS 5

Apple TV 4K got a pick in the middle with the likes of Charter Spectrum coming next year and a bunch of features to be rolled out soon. The event had a major blast towards the end, and that’s macOS now turning to Mojave! Yes, you read it right! macOS Mojave is the next new thing, with loads of conveniences on board, like Continuity Camera, an addition of Apple News, Stocks, and Voice Memos.

macOS Mojave

Privacy and security for Mac were elaborated, with positive assurance for users, bringing new protection features. Mac App Store isn’t left out either, with new technologies and apps on the way. Last but not least was machine learning featuring Metal shadders and Creat ML! Before concluding with an appreciation for developers, Tim Cook said that the updates are coming this fall, presently in beta of course. So, stay tuned!


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