It seems like Apple is in an effort to input new ways to control the Apple Watch as Apple discusses its latest project in motion and gesture input. A day might come when the Apple watch will be primarily controlled by gesture rather than a touchscreen.
Erik de Jong, the Apple Watch Product Design Lead, notes that he’s the team leader for the design engineers working to create the next generations of Apple Watch. They are working to “develop future product concepts and features.”

The patent image illustrates gestures and corresponding commands, exemplary hand and wrist movements, and exemplary finger movements associated with sign language. Apple showcases the gesture input and the command of the device like hand down/palm down to decline calls, hand up/down at a normal speed sign for increase and decrease of volume, and, hand down at speed commands for muting speakers. It also includes certain finger gestures like the thumb and middle finger extended with other fingers fixed signs to make a call, fixed fingers/extended fingers to unlock cars when the user is close to it.

Apple patent illustrates Apple Watch with motion and gesture sensing using myoelectric sensors. Earlier Apple had also patented for special Apple Watch bands that has lights and light sensors which could track the movement of the user’s wrist, fingers, hand, and arm. Now, with the new myoelectric sensors, users can allow the device to track the electrical signal and the change in capacitance in the tendons coupled with the user’s movement.
It is to note that this patent is in the continuation of the license of 2016 -“Apple expands its work on Advancing Apple Watch to Include Wrist Gestures and a Camera.” Let’s wait to see if this patent is deployed at any time soon.