The credit card by Apple, known as “Apple Card” seems like an interesting approach from the tech giant’s part. This card has been created by Apple Inc. It is being issued by Goldman Sachs. The main designation of the Apple Card is for Apple Pay on any type of devices released by Apple.
The circulation of the bonus from Apple card was done via email. Apple began sending emails to iPhone users as well as users of other Apple devices inviting them to register for the credit card so that they could claim the bonus. Apple has stated that, if the new users of Apple devices, register for the Apple Card by the 3rd of September, they will be awarded $300 for one time.
The Apple Card has never had any form of discounts or cashpoints or even rewards in its previous history. Therefore this is indeed a new phenomenon that is being used by the Company to attract customers into signing up for the credit card. The $300 dollar bonus has been recorded as the highest incentive that has been offered by the Apple Card till date. However the incentive cannot be availed merely by signing up and registering for the card.
There have been a set of criterias that has been formulated in order to make consumers receive the bonus. The consumers who have signed up for the Apple card on 3rd September will have to spend atleast $1500, mandatorily, within 60 days or 2 months of registering for the new credit card. After the respective consumers have reached their goal of spending the stipulated amount mentioned above, only then the $300 bonus will be credit to their account.
Therefore it can be seen that a set of terms and conditions has been formulated in order to receive the bonus. Hopefully this bonus will lure Apple consumers to apply for the Apple Card, enlarging their customer base in the finance category as well.