The US Patent and Trademark Office announced that they have received three patent applications from Apple on Thursday. This is an indication that the Cali-based company is progressing rapidly in developing and innovating new kinds of devices, incorporating its new technologies.
The patent applications bear witness to this testimony. The applications show that Apple is making continuous technological improvements to its previously proposed head-mounted devices.
Some of the improvements that Apple had proposed for the head-mounted gear include but are in no way limited to the following:
the head-hear will now incorporate infrared sensors that can be used to measure the freshness of food, or even come in handy for calorie-conscious people, as it will be able to measure the calorie content of the food items.
The patents that were filed with the US Patent and Trademark Office could be applied effortlessly to Apple’s varied virtual reality or augmented reality devices. One such device is the rumored mask-type mixed reality headset.
A few weeks back, the new Mixed Reality Headset patent from Apple was published by the same Patent granting office in the US. The reports and rumors surrounding the headset claimed that Apple’s first try at a headset will be in the form of a VR headset.
This means that it will be much like the Oculus offered by Facebook. If the headset turns out to be mostly a virtual reality device, it is most likely to display an all-encompassing 3D digital environment for gaming, watching video and communicating.
Furthermore, a few reports claimed that AR functionality, the ability to overlay images and information over an accurate world view, would be more limited somehow.
Apple has planned to launch the product very early in 2022, putting the product up against Oculus, Sony’s PlayStation VR, and headsets from HTC. More news to come on this.