With the evolution of technology, literally, every aspect of our lives has experienced some major changes, the reality as we know it included. With the development of augmented and virtual reality, even the things we once thought impossible have been made possible.
Those of us who thought that the entertainment industry will hardly ever progress further than 3D and 4D are in for a treat as AR and VR technologies are nowadays being implemented in every aspect of this industry as well.
That being said, here are some news and latest trends true fans of the entertainment industry as a whole can expect to see.
VR in the music industry
Since technology is always changing, VR will continue to revolutionize the way we experience music. And not just music per se, but music videos as well. Numerous artists have started to embrace this new idea of reaching their fans, both through the audio as well as visual content. Aside from this, some music festivals, such as Coachella, chose to team up with a company that provided all the festival-goers with cardboard VR headset enabling them to add another layer of interest to their overall festival VR experience. Not only that but even the people who wanted to go but couldn’t get the chance to enjoy the festival from the comfort of their homes thanks to the VR technology.

AR and VR in the film industry
In the film industry, not only can we expect to see an amazing new reality and completely immerse ourselves in it, but we can expect something even greater. The thing is that with VR, you completely enter the world of shifted reality, but with AR you will be able to layer that virtual reality over the real one. One concept behind the AR and VR movies, in general, revolves around a completely 3D character with which the audience can interact and, in such a way, find out the plotline of the movie, just like they would have they only been watching it the old-fashioned way.
AR and VR in the iGaming industry
When the iGaming industry is concerned, AR and VR technologies will allow people to transcend from the passive experience of enjoying the content to actually actively engaging with the content and feeling as though they are truly a part of it. We can particularly see this with the steady growth of VR casinos that offer their players the ability to chat and interact in real-time with their fellow players and dealers, as well as the ability to partake in various multiplayer games. Not only this, but players can now even choose their avatars to represent them in the world of VR.
AR and VR in the gaming industry
Both virtual and augmented reality definitely have their own charms. Besides, augmented reality would not quite be possible without virtual reality. However, the thing that separates them is that when talking about a virtual reality a user that wants to be entertained needs to sit down and delegate some time to enjoy it, while the augmented reality can easily be enjoyed on the go. Just take the famous Pokémon Go as an example. Instead of having to sit at their gaming rigs in order to enjoy their favorite game, players were able to enjoy it on the go, thanks to the AR gaming technology behind it.
Finally, the world of fine arts also experienced some amazing breakthroughs thanks to AR and VR technology. Not only are numerous artists now able to organize and hold VR exhibitions without actually having to rent a venue and transport their art to it but the number of people that is actually able to visit and enjoy the said exhibition is greater than ever. Aside from that, people can now visit AR museums, art shows and partake in immersive art experiences which to some may definitely sound like something straight out of a Sci-Fi movie.
With all of these aspects of the entertainment industry, change in such a way by AR and VR can only ask ourselves what we can expect to see next. Knowing the pace at which technology seems to be advancing, chances are that we can expect to see so much more in the near future.