A keylogger is a software which tracks and logs every keystroke on a device. Following, we are going to review top of the line keyloggers including Cocospy, Danusoft, SourceForge and Adramax. We will detail each before concluding which one you should opt for!
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If you are looking for a free keylogger for Android, then try Cocospy. It is featured in top publications including New York Times, Life Wire, Digital Trends, TechRadar and others. Millions of users around the world celebrate this app. Following, we are going to descript this app and tell you what makes it so special. So, read till the very end!
This keylogger comes with several advanced features that you won’t find anywhere else. It helps you hack into the target phone to track and record their calls. Moreover, it lets you track their text messages and email. You can track their GPS location with this app as well.

You can see the targets contacts and internet search history with this all. It even lets you get remote control access of their device.
Spyware apps and keyloggers require you to jailbreak and root your device. Well, this is not the case with Cocosspy. You don’t need to be a geek to use this app.
You can use this app to keep a close eye on anyone. Yes, it saves your money and time if you want to track someone. You don’t have to go through a long and tiring process to do that anymore.
Just download the app from its official website and install on both your and the target’s device. If you want the best user experience, you better get the premium version. It comes with many added features you will find useful. You can use these features to get access to the contact list of your target an see how they interact with each other.
You will have to access the target’s device physically to install this app. Just hide the app once you are done.
The Facebook Tab of Cocospy. Form this tab; you can access what the target does on Facebook.
This app is very easy to understand and use. If you run into any issue, you should know this app comes with a brief guide shall you need any help.
SourceForge Keylogger
A Python keylogger, SourceForce is written in a popular programming language with a emphasize on good user experience. Originally, it was made for backup solutions, but this app has evolved so much over the last few years.
This app is most famous for its stealth mode. This app can carry out its operations without being noticed. This app is among the most popular keylogging solutions, but it lacks the brief instructions and excellent support that you get with Cocospy. Therefore, users end up facing some challenges using this app.
DanuSoft Keylogger
This is yet another popular solution thanks to its simplicity. You have to type in the keyword to hide and unhide this app. The keyword is “HideKey.” This keylogger is also capable of running in stealth mode.
You can easily tweak settings by going to startup settings once the app is installed. It also features password protection. The issue with Danusoft is it uses several resources of the target device including processing power and ram even if it is hidden in the background.
This attribute makes Danusoft easy to detect. Therefore, it’s not a reliable option if you want to keep track of someone for long.
Ardamax Keylogger
This keylogger lets you capture every minor activity of the target to an activity log file. You can view this log in text or your browser. The app is capable of recording hidden characters, website history, and chat. This means you can view their internet history and every text sent and received.
Well, Cocospy is a bit ahead of this keylogger as it also lets you track and record live calls. Also, this keylogger is a bit complicated for the general user.
We reviewed your keyloggers above. The reason Cocospy stands on top of them is that its simple to use even it comes with several advanced features. It doesn’t matter if you use premium or free version, you won’t have any issue with this Spying App.