How to Save When Your Business is Ready for a Technology Update

Technology may make running a business easier in many ways, but it also poses many challenges, one of which is cost. You can spend thousands, or even tens of thousands, depending on the tech you’re looking into and the size of your company, to equip everyone with important hardware, systems, and services that will power your business just the way you want. 

Tech is always going to cost money, but that doesn’t mean it has to put your company in the red. There are many ways you can save when your business is ready for a technology update. 

Look for simple, intuitive tech services 

One of the best ways to spend a little less is to look for ways to save on network management costs. It’s one thing your business simply can’t do without, but there are plenty of other tech services your company may use on a daily basis, like customer relationship management software, social media tools, and more. 

Some companies that offer these services like to offer complex solutions to their customers. That sounds good on the surface because it purports to offer more options, but it’s almost always better to choose simple, intuitive services over more complex ones.

You’ll enjoy less complex administration functions, less function-specific details, and no unnecessary updates, which can save you time, and ultimately money. 

Buy refurbished hardware 

Computers and other tech hardware aren’t built to last forever. Computers keep getting faster and hardware comes out every year that can handle more than ever before. There will eventually come a time when you’ll have to update your computers and your hardware, and when that time comes, you have to hope you’ve got enough cash in reserve to cover it all. 

Fortunately, you aren’t stuck spending full price on new hardware that will just depreciate in value over the next few years anyway. Consider buying refurbished computers and hardware instead. 

It’s true that refurbished equipment is used, but that doesn’t mean it’s defective. In order to be sold, it must be properly updated, and the most refurbished tech comes with guarantees. You can get the functionality you need for much less. 

Don’t get rid of old computers when they are updated 

When you do update your computer systems and hardware, it makes sense that you would get rid of it all. However, if you want to save a little bit of money, you should hang onto all that old tech for a little while, even after it has been updated. 

There are many ways an old computer can come in handy. Things you can do with your old computers include: 

  • Try a different operating system risk-free 
  • Turn it into a network-attached storage device 
  • Turn it into a hotspot without the need for extra software 
  • Keep it in a shared space for visitors and employees to use 

Of course, one of the best reasons to keep a few old PCs around is for backup just in case something happens to one or more of your regular computers. Employees can get back to work right away while they wait for their regular computers to be fixed. 

Utilize the Cloud 

If you aren’t using the cloud, you should be. It can make your life a lot easier because there’s no need to maintain your own information or the systems that maintain that information, but using the cloud can also save you money.  

Cloud computing is easily scalable, which means you can handle an increase in demand overnight. There’s no need to purchase expensive software, and you can quickly and easily add or get rid of certain cloud computing services whenever you need to. Not to mention, it enables you to operate more efficiently by having the right data at your fingertips anywhere, at any time. 

Train your employees 

When you think of saving money in regards to technology, it makes sense that you would think first about the technology itself. However, your employees matter too. Properly trained employees can save you money, especially when it comes to tech. 

Whether it’s a computer, a new system, or a tech service, most won’t understand how to use it properly without the right support. Make sure your employees are trained to use the tech in your office to ensure everyone is getting the most out of the features it has to offer. 

Don’t shy away from tech updates because you worry about how much they are going to cost. Get the tech you need for less when you follow the tips on this list. 

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