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4 Most pressing challenges faced by web hosting industry today

Jitendra Bhojwani
Jitendra Bhojwani
Jitendra is a freelance multifaceted writer, a peaceful soul who spends most of his time reading and writing. He considers and respects writing as a meditative technique to get rid of negative thoughts and stress. His favorite niches include history, travel, lifestyle and technology.

The web hosting industry is evolving at a very high speed. There are a number of changes and innovative technology introductions that are changing the present and future of the industry. Apart from introducing many new opportunities, it has also resulted in various web hosting challenges. As we are fast moving towards the end of the present decade, it is the right time to consider the challenges faced by the web hosting industry.

Finding the uniform source for buying and managing diverse tools

Data Centers have to utilize diverse physical and digital resources in order to manage the daily operations. Apart from deployment they also need to ensure the proper management, periodical updates and invest attention on various other maintenance issues.

It requires the use of diverse tools, expertise, and team training. Managing the commercial, operational and technical aspects of various resource vendors creates unnecessary stress, disturbs team co-ordination and also results in performance lags as most of these tools work in a tandem.

Managing Diverse Tools

So the next big challenge is to find the best way of simplifying the process without compromising on the competence. What would be the solution?

1. Is there a way to automate the integrated management and operations of key physical and digital resources?

2. What role can Artificial Intelligence play in this scenario?

3. Is it possible to get a sole vendor who can provide the complete suite of all or key digital and physical resources thus simplifying the management, deployment training, maintenance and updating concerns?

Ideal security tools management in a Hybrid ecosystem

The IT industry is plagued by the recent increase in cyber attacks. The last year saw a major shift in the nature, frequency, and scope of attacks including Ransomware, WannaCry and a number of other sophisticated malware introductions. Their number and impact are estimated to grow further.

Web Security

1. Hence the major concern for the IT industry is adopting the most appropriate protection level. The issue becomes trickier for the companies utilizing hybrid cloud solutions where they don’t have complete privacy. In such scenario, it is mandatory to use the competent security ecosystem powered by efficient security tools to protect diverse aspects of IT operations in the cloud as well as on-premises.

2. Another major question is – How to buy cloud hosting plans of hybrid nature that fully supports the various security tools. How to choose the most competent security tools capable of handling high-grade sophisticated attacks and how to ensure the regularized, co-ordinated operations of diverse security tools to meet the collective objectives.

Lack of infrastructure capabilities to fully support new technologies

The extensive use of IoT and Big Data is bringing various radical changes in the design, management, and development of data centers. That latest technological element that has a vast potential of revolutionizing the data center operations and design is Artificial Intelligence.

However, there is a bottleneck preventing the data centers to realize the maximum benefits of sophisticated technologies. The present ecosystem lacks many infrastructure capabilities to support the sophisticated needs of new-age technologies. Hence the entire IT environment requires graduating to the next level of evolution to overcome the limitations of legacy infrastructure to support the latest applications and new-age technologies.

The major challenge would be to identify and fill the gap between requirements and infrastructure capabilities.

Skill Management

The introduction of new technologies in the digital ecosystem will result in the radical shift in the role profiles, manpower management, and daily operations. But the priority requirement is upgrading the manpower skills in order to extract the maximum benefit out of new technologies. At the same time, it is also important for the data center to impart the required skills to their clients and equip their staff with quality training to ensure that they are able to seamlessly integrate the new age technical capabilities in business operations to maximize the productivity, speeding up the processes and quicken time to market. Besides, it would necessitate the need for hiring the services of integration experts. It would certainly have an impact on the commercial operators and deployment aspects.

Skill Management

1. So the major challenge would be how to train the major stakeholders in the B2B and B2C ecosystem of the data center industry. It will also affect the way the web hosting resellers work

2. Besides, the present costs of implementing and utilizing these solutions are quite high, it can offer an undue advantage to the bigger players while preventing the smaller players to maximize their potential and those forced to remain at the lower rung of the competition


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