The eagerly anticipated second installment of Square Enix’s Final Fantasy 7 Remake trilogy is around the corner. However, fans who are yearning to witness their revered entries in the epic sequel of the series—particularly Final Fantasy 6—have been clamoring for such remakes. According to Yoshinori Kitase, the producer of the FF7 Remake trilogy and co-director of the original Final Fantasy 6, constructing a remake series for the SNES classic could be an incredible undertaking, even more daunting than developing the FF7 Remake trilogy.
In a recent discussion with French YouTuber Julien Chièze, when asked about the prospect of a Final Fantasy 6 Remake, Kitase emphasized that a hypothetical series of remakes spread across multiple releases would demand double the development time compared to the entire Final Fantasy 7 Remake trilogy. He explained that Square Enix is currently devoid of the resources for such a zealous endeavor.
“If we were to embark on a Final Fantasy 6 Remake similar to the FF7 Remake, it might demand twice the time invested in creating the FF7 Remake series,” Kitase expressed (via @aitaikimochi on Twitter). “The sheer volume we’d need to handle is much more than FF7 and includes more party characters. It would likely necessitate extensive preparation, making it a task we can’t currently take on.”
Nevertheless, Kitase recognized that even within Square Enix, there is significant interest in exploring the possibility of building a Final Fantasy 6 remake. He articulated his satisfaction with the numerous inquiries within the company about the potential project.
“Many individuals within the company have frequently inquired about the feasibility of an FF6 remake, and although I lack a definitive answer, I am delighted to hear the interest,” he stated. In the meantime, Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is due to launch for PS5 on February 29.