It’s almost 13 years, How the big bang of cryptocurrencies celebrates its Birthday

The best time to celebrate is Always! Celebrate great events and dates that resound in our minds such as the birthdays of our loved ones, family, friends, wedding anniversaries, businesses, companies, industries, everyone deserves a day to celebrate. Today I want to give a big applause to one of the greatest technological inventions after the internet, the Bitcoin Whitepaper, the first mining block known as the Bitcoin Genesis Block. January 3 will be remembered as the most notorious date of humanity. In addition to knowing all the events that marked the birthday of the first cryptocurrency in the market and the world, but also of its futuristic technology of the underlying Blockchain.

It is in this sense that we can think that the first block of Bitcoin was like a “Big Bang” that generated an explosion, the Madness in Wed and allowed the creation of many other cryptocurrencies and infinity of solutions in relation to the new technology. Looking forward to a promising future, it should be noted that the 12 years symbolized an inadvertent event for most of the world’s people. Today it is the subject of global discussion and provides the foundation for a radical paradigm shift in the traditional financial system. You can do one thing, just visit the official website of bitcoin trading and get more info.

The first block, genesis block, or “source” block is essential for the creation of any Blockchain since it allows generating the bases or foundations of the network. Therefore, all cryptocurrencies based on a Blockchain, such as Ethereum, Litecoin, or others have the same or similar block.

You must be wondering who was the creator of Bitcoin? because after 12 years this question continues, because it is still anonymous and is known worldwide under his pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto, he started the revolution in finance, the one who invented the concept of the genesis block. As this block does not have any other blocks preceding it, it differs from all other blocks in the network. A genesis block also serves to guarantee communication between two nodes. This is because two nodes can be connected to each other only if they have the same genesis block.

Without a doubt, today Bitcoin does not go unnoticed: it is by far the most expensive currency on the planet (approximately $ 7,400 at the end of December). In addition, it has attracted the gaze of hundreds of businessmen, politicians, and governments around the world, who in 2019 showed their efforts to generate regulations that begin to adapt to the imminent change. A gift for all celebrating this year achieving its historical maximum ATH remaining at $ 200 dollar of the $ 35,000,

Many congratulations from friends and followers of Bitcoin, optimistic and encouraging such as Alex Wilson, co-founder of The Giving Block: “For the birthday of Bitcoin cryptocurrency, I hope it brings financial freedom to billions of people around the world.”

To mark the anniversary of the publication of “Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Money System,” Cointelegraph invited to comment on the author of the article’s enduring vision. Is Satoshi Nakamoto satisfied with the way Bitcoin and blockchain technology have developed and evolved in the last 12 years? And he said, “It has launched a revolution in finance with the rise of DeFi apps, smart contracts, and coin offerings, as well as a payments revolution that is leading the central bank’s digital currencies.

The influence of the Bitcoin (BTC) whitepaper goes beyond finance, Garrick Hileman, head of research at, told Cointelegraph: “Its impact is worth considering alongside other important technical innovations such as the personal computer and Internet”.

It is good to remember with this, hanging this note from one of the curiosities of the genesis block of Bitcoin is that it came with an encrypted message that corresponded to the headline of the newspaper ‘The Times’ of January 3, 2009: “The Chancellor is about a second bank rescue”. Many cryptocurrency enthusiasts have interpreted this message as a reflection of Nakamoto’s idea of developing a financial system.

With every day that passes, people are more interested in learning about cryptocurrencies, and in their investment, the greats of the world of finance are taking part in this revolution, having Bitcoin as the digital asset of the shelter of capital, and even some governments are taking it into account, which indicates that BITCOIN will continue to COMPLY MANY MORE YEARS!

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