The developer by username Francisco franco and XDA recognized has released the custom version of Xiaomi Redmi Note 4 FrancoKernel. The new kernel is probably the most popular among Android users and developers, helping them expand on the convenient preferences of the devices.
He started making kernels for Nexus devices. Lately, he has expanded his creations on the kernel program for various other brands, and Xiaomi is a part.
The released Redmi Note 4 custom kernel goes by the name r1 or revision 1, marking its debut for the new branch. Over time, the number will ascend as updates get released. Developers and other enthusiastic users of Android kernels should remain on their toes regarding the changes or tweaks that’ll come with time.
LineageOS 14.1-based ROMs are compatible with the builds that start with r1. The Redmi Note 4 new kernels can be downloaded for free, and it can be flashed in a custom recovery like TWRP.
Follow this space for our coverage on the next update of the custom kernel.