The unfair bans by Apple have compelled Egypt to impose accusation on what it identifies as unfair restrictions on local distributors or face legal action. The allegation against the company comes after the Egyptian Competition Authority accused the Cupertino-based firm.
The California-based company has been accused of violating local competitive law by preventing its regional distributors from selling to Egyptian distributors. The company has indulged in a move that eliminates what it called “intra-brand competition.”
Among all places in the global market, Egypt is one place where the market price of the iPhone is 50% higher than elsewhere, and adding the ban done by Apple on its products has made Egypt claim unreasonable restrictions. Authorities state that the local market in Egypt has been isolated from the regional one, sending prices significantly higher than in other Arab nations.
It costs much for an iPhone in Egypt. An iPhone XS Max of $1,306 in the U.A.E. is listed of $1,983 in Egypt through an authorized Apple reseller.