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Final Fantasy XVI is Revealed to Have AI Companions, Unique Eikon vs. Eikon Battles – Confirmed by Producer

Jayita Talukder
Jayita Talukder
I’m currently doing a Master’s Degree in English, and have been writing on and off for years. Part-time gamer and full-time reader of obscure literature. If I’m not at my desk, I’ve probably spotted a cat outside.

Square Enix’s Final Fantasy XVI is set for release next year, but that doesn’t stop it from being one of the most anticipated games of all time. Players and fans of the Final Fantasy franchise have been waiting a long time for the next instalment, and they finally have more information as the producer of Square Enix has revealed multiple details in a series of interviews recently.

With the latest trailer that has been released for the game, anticipation is soaring higher than ever as producer Naoki Yoshida talks about AI companions and details the mechanisms of combat that Final Fantasy XVI will contain. He also speaks on the current state of the unfinished game and what it will take before it’s ready for release.

More Details Revealed on the Eikon Battles, AI Companions in Final Fantasy XVI

Yoshida has confirmed that the main playable protagonist of the game, Clive, will be accompanied by AI-controlled companions on his journey. In the interview, he says, “We didn’t want to overwhelm users in our newest trailer, so we focused solely on Clive’s battles. That said, for most of his journey, Clive will be accompanied by one or more companions. These companions will participate in battle, as well as trade banter with Clive. That said, the party members will be AI-driven to allow players to focus solely on controlling Clive.”

These AI-controlled companions are speculated to be similar in function to Noctis’ allies in Final Fantasy XV which players of the game will be familiar with. The producer has also revealed that the pup seen in the first trailer, called Torgal, might even become a party member.

As for the Eikons, which are giant beings with incredible powers based on a particular summon from past Final Fantasy games—they are expected in the newest installment as well, as a couple of Final Fantasy XVI trailers that have been released showcase Eikon versus Eikon fights. Players will know that certain humans known as Dominants can transform themselves into Eikons. These fights will be playable and varied, all unique in their playstyle, and can range anywhere from being a 3D shooter to a pro wrestling match.

Final Fantasy XVI Needs More Play-testing before it can be Released, Says Naoki Yoshida

Continuing about the Eikons, Yoshida says “Eikons appear in many different situations and iterations. No one design concept covers all of them. Some will face Clive as fierce enemies, some will be friends and come to Clive’s aid. There will also be times when the player will control an Eikon in real-time, battling other Eikons. The battle type and scale are somewhat fluid and change seamlessly in real-time depending on the battle…keeping things at maximum excitement while maintaining immersion.”

According to the producer, while the game is playable in its current state, it needs a lot of fine-tuning before it can be released to the general public. There is news of a third trailer for the game to build up the hype, while the designers make use of the extra year to develop the voiceover and soundtrack for Final Fantasy XVI.

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