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Firefox 64 With Direct Extension Removal and Add-ons to Function in a Card-based Interface

Moupiya Dutta
Moupiya Dutta
She finds it interesting to learn and analyze society. she keeps herself updated, emphasizing technology, social media, and science. She loves to pen down her thoughts, interested in music, art, and exploration around the globe.

Firefox 63 has been out for less than a month and Mozilla already plans to roll out subsequent changes. Due for the subsequent launch month, Firefox 64 will function a brand new card-based format within the Add-ons Supervisor. In contrast, customers will be capable of instantly uninstalling add-ons without diving into the Extensions menu.

Scheduled to be released on December 11, Firefox 64 will include a number of interface improvements and refinements where the organization plans to roll out an update about add-ons that change the design of the page but does not remove or change functionality on the page.

Until now, it has been necessary for users to head into the Extensions area in the Add-ons Manager in order to uninstall unwanted extensions, either via the hamburger icon in the top-right of the browser or right-clicking on an extension’s icon in the interface but in Firefox 64, a new option will appear just below “Manage Extension” in the context menu called “Remove Extension” which will facilitate a direct uninstallation, bypassing the Add-ons Manager.
But the downside to the new interface is that it requires more space to display the same information on the screen. Firefox users who experience display issues can zoom in or out of the page to display all options and information at once.

Firefox ExtensionIf you install a browser extension in Firefox 63 or earlier, you will notice that it goes away automatically when you navigate to another tab; this changes in Firefox 64 is to make sure that users see the notification in the browser.
Firefox’s Notification Permissions page highlights in version 64 if an extension controls the setting. The browser displays an option to disable the extension if that is not desired by the user.

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