Fossil introduced a new hybrid smartwatch called Fossil Hybrid HR in India. The best part of Hybrid HR is that it is a device that gives up on conventional watch design. It does offer some of the features found on such wearables starting at Rs 14,995, while it is not a full-fledged smartwatch.
The Fossil Hybrid HR comes in two sizes. Both iterations offer an 18mm or 22mm strap support with a 27mm display area. The watch will be available in either a gold or black frame along with six color variations. With all features activated, Hybrid HR lasts for two weeks or more on a single charge.
As this is a hybrid watch, it offers analog mechanical watch hands along with an always-on monochrome display that can showcase various information like real-time heart rate, real-time weather information, and notifications for both calls and text messages.
As per the battery life, it can last up to 2 weeks on a single charge and it also supports rapid charging, where 50 percent of the battery can be refueled in just 50 minutes and can be fully charged in 60 minutes. The Fossil Hybrid HR will be available from January 30th via online and offline stores for Rs. 14,995.