7 Pocket-friendly small business marketing ideas

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Money and marketing campaigns go hand in hand. For your marketing campaigns to yield better results, businesses need to pump in more and more, time and time again.

But, what if you don’t have the required funds to pump into your campaigns? Easy.

There are enough and more marketing tactics that you could leverage that won’t put a hole in your wallet. This blog post walks you through 7 top marketing ideas for small businesses working on a budget.

1. Publish kick-ass content

I know this is a cliche now. But then, the World Wide Web begins and ends with content. Wait. Scratch that! It’s Quality Content. And so make sure that you set up a blog that produces only quality posts.

Nope! You don’t have to break your bank to produce quality content.

Rely on apps such as Grammarly to correct your grammar errors and choose better words if you are not confident of your writing skills.  Also, browse GoodFirms’ curated list of top Writing Services companies to find some quality content writing services companies that offer quality writing services at affordable prices.

2. Engage in cold calling/emailing

If you think cold calling is not right for your business, you are not alone. 

Because cold calling is not easy, you need to be thick-skinned to take in rejections; businesses hesitate to take it up as part of their marketing process.

 But then, cold calling is a low-budgeted affair, and you could make it  a success for your business if you bear in mind the following points:

Forget about the sale. Think of how you could communicate with the recipient on the email or phone. Once you have established a connection with them, you could pitch them in the future. However, even before carrying out your pitch, conduct market research to make sure you are reaching out to the right target audience.

Your opening statement should include the introduction, greeting, the benefits of your product or service and then slowly graduate toward the pitch.

Remember to be helpful to whoever picks up the phone or responds to your email. Offer them small, unique promotional items.

The operative word here is patience! It takes three or four contacts to set up an appointment. Leverage email marketing software to streamline your email campaigns. 

3. Be part of networking groups

Face-to-face to networking is the key because it helps you build meaningful relationships with customers. Local networking groups like the local Chamber of Commerce is a great way, to begin with.

Plus, you could check out apps such as Meetup to find networking events.

You could also take membership of business organizations such as Young Entrepreneurs Council, Entrepreneurs Organization, or SCORE. Also, search for industry-specific organizations that you could join.

4. Join local Facebook groups 

Yes, you can even try joining Facebook groups as it’s one of the best ways to sell products online.  Or maybe you could even join buy and sell groups in your community by leveraging keywords such as ‘Buy and Sell Trinidad’ if you are in Trinidad.

You can also create your Facebook group comprising active members within your niche. This could be a long shot. Try not to oversell to this group as it might prevent people from joining your group. You could also post a promotional post once a week, depending on how active your Facebook group is.

5. Host a giveaway 

Contest and giveaways increase social engagement and, more importantly, help you gain new customers. But then, the prize you giveaway should be appealing enough for people to sign up. 

Also, include a feature that offers points to people who refer their friends to your giveaway, thereby increasing the reach of your giveaway. 

Once the giveaway is over, and the winner is chosen, you may email your participants to win a runner up prize. Even a small gift card of $5 will do, which they can use to buy from your store. Nevertheless, make sure your products are priced high enough that you will be able to make a profit even with a gift card.  

6. Email marketing 

Email Marketing is a sure-fire to get new visitors on board as well as maintain relationships with the older ones.

Get your new website visitors to sign up your newsletter by offering them a content piece for free. Slowly you can nurture your subscriber base via email and then you could convert them to paying customers.

Start your email campaign with a free email marketing service called MailChimp.

7. Set up a YouTube channel 

Make a video about your product and service and get it up and running on YouTube. Or you can even have your own YouTube Channel to post your product videos there.

YouTube enables you to make money in two ways. One by adding links to your store in your description. Second, by making money with ads.

For the uninitiated, an average YouTuber posts a new video every week. Sure enough, video creation could be tedious and time-consuming. And also coming up with video ideas is no small thing.

However, if you post videos frequently, you are more likely to be found on YouTube. Further, creating videos is not a big-budget affair, especially if you are the hero of the video.

But then, avoid direct selling. Make sure the video subtly advertises your product in the description part. The entire video shouldn’t be talking about your product.

And as your video following grows and so will be your store’s profits. This best part: The more you create, the more you gain.

Wrapping up 

There you go! 7 top easy-to-execute, pocket-friendly small business marketing ideas for your small business. Sure enough, you will be experimenting with many more low-cost, small business marketing ideas to promote your business. Which are those?

Let us know in the comment section.

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