Samsung on Thursday launched the Galaxy Tab S7 FE Wi-Fi variant in the Indian market. The model features a 12.4-inch display, a 10,090mAh battery and runs on Android 11, just like the LTE model.
Samsung Galaxy Tab S7 FE (WiFi) is priced at Rs 41,999 for the sole 4GB RAM/64GB storage variant. The device is currently available via Amazon in mystic pink, mystic black, mystic silver, and mystic green color options.
In terms of specifications, the Samsung Galaxy Tab S7 FE Wi-Fi model features a 12.4-inch WQXGA (2,560×1,600 pixels) TFT display.
It is powered by a Snapdragon 778G octa-core processor coupled with 4GB RAM and 64GB of storage that is expandable via a microSD card (up to 1TB).
The device runs Google’s Android 11 operating system with the company’s own One UI 3.1 skin on top. The device is backed by a 10,090mAh battery with support for 45W fast charging.
The device houses an 8MP camera sensor on the back and a 5MP selfie camera at the front.
For connectivity, the Galaxy Tab S7 FE Wi-Fi comes with 2.4G+5GHz Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac/ax, Bluetooth v5.2, GPS, and a USB Type-C 3.2 Gen1 port.