Genshin Impact Lumenspar locations: Lumenspar is a new item added to Genshin Impact with the 2.6 release. It could be used to upgrade the Lumenstone Adjuvant Gadget, which serves as a light source and helps players explore the dark The Chasm Underground Mines area.
The Lumenspar, like Lumenstone Ore, is a valuable resource that may be used to improve the Lumenstone Adjuvant Gadget. It emits light, which aids the user in navigating the dark passages of The Chasm Underground Mines, along with eliminating pools of poisonous purple sludge – Oozing Concentrations. This post will help you with the locations of Lumenspar and everything you need to know about it.
What is the difference between Lumenspar and Lumenstone Ore?
Lumenspar and Lumenstone ore are the minerals required to enhance your Lumenstone Adjuvant, as demonstrated above. Lumenspar appears on the map with a rocky symbol when you get close to it, and it seems like a blue variation of the Crimson Agate collectibles on Dragonspine. Lumenstone ore resembles a shard of crystal on the ground. Players won’t have to look hard for these, because they’re always highlighted with a specific light.
How to unlock all Lumenspar locations in the Chasm Underground mines?
There won’t be all Lumenspar to go around initially in the game. To access all of their places, you must first complete a few tasks. Players must complete the “The Chasm Delvers” World Quest questline. It will enable The Chasm Underground Mines in its entirety.

One Lumenspar is connected with the Den of Thieves achievement. Players can also come across two Lumenspars inside the inverted buildings as you proceed through the “The Chasm Delvers” World Quest.
What are Lumenstone Adjuvant and its use in Genshin Impact?
The Genshin Impact Lumenstone Adjuvant is a tool that can be used to thoroughly explore the Chasm’s, Underground Mines. It is obtained from a workbench in the miner’s storehouse throughout the Chasm Delvers world quest. Gamers can enhance the Lumenstone to level 10, which unlocks a slew of cool extras and allows you to connect to some valuable features.
What are the locations of Lumenspar in Genshin Impact?
The image above depicts all Lumenspar locations with distinct symbols. Players will have to trade 80 Lumenspars and three Lumenstone Ores to Jinwu in order to fully upgrade the Lumenstone Adjuvant Gadget to level 10. Despite this, Genshin Impact enables you 83 Lumenspar dispersed throughout The Chasm: Underground Mines area.