God Eater 3 debuted in Japan at the end of last year, and within a few days, it will also reach Western countries. Like its predecessors, this new release will be an extensive RPG. This is due to its mechanics, the duration of its campaign, and its multiple secondary missions.
Fortunately, in case those who finish the game 100% is left wanting more, Bandai Namco Entertainment has announced through a recent live broadcast that the title will receive several free content after its release.
Until now, ‘God Eater’ had always dragged the idea of the end. The arrival of the Aragami practically became the extinction of human beings and the hunting, in its confines, turned into an opposite context to which we are accustomed to observing. Thus the God Eater considered themselves the only ones capable of saving them. The ace of humanity in front of an insatiable predator that threatened to put an end to the embers of the remnants of its existence.
However, ‘God Eater 3’ turns its scenario into something even less ominous. It is understood that we are facing the last days of humanity. There is an air of despair, of surrender. The appearance of the Canizales has virtually destroyed the earth’s surface, the humans who resist them have retreated into underground refuges, and Fenrir, once a bastion and light of hope, is now a lost point among the new enemies, the Aragami of ash.
So even the God Eaters, to which the GEA (God Adaptive Eaters) are now added, have been dismissed, and when we put ourselves in the shoes of our avatar, we find ourselves tied up and forced to serve as a weapon. Its core plot, in that sense, has some reminiscence to ‘ Person 5 ‘ in that pyrrhic feeling in which, although we win, everything seems lost. With these, the path to follow takes an especially more personal aspect: the struggle for freedom.
Also, ‘God Eater 3’ does not turn around their concepts, but if we play with them to offer a new version of the oriental RPG. Its argument seems to want to focus more on a personal point than not pointing to the classic role of the hero. Its characters go through the most anime clichés, and his story generally does not always fail to pass the same idealistic points. But it is understood, again, a more personal approach. We are focused not on changing the world but on our own objectives and the search for freedom for the GEA before the common good.

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Unfortunately, the mechanics with which we must face this new scenario are the usual ones. Undeniably, the arch has drawn the work since his first foray into PSP, but even so, ‘God Eater 3’ again feels like a “more of the same. “It is not something negative per se because it drags the playable core with which the franchise has always counted and manages to feel fresh without losing an iota of what differentiates it from other deliveries with similar objectives. But the idea is still recursive and everything is resolved in the same way: going out to the battlefield to hunt Aragamis.