A feature hitherto accessible in Android phones only has now been ushered into their iOS counterparts by Google, with its Photos app now allowing users to adjust the depth and focus in portrait mode shots. With the addition of the new features, users with the latest iteration of Google Photos on their iOS devices can now pull up a portrait mode picture and tap the editing icon twice to edit depth and focus through sliders.
While this feature was available in Apple’s own Photos app on devices like iPhone XS, XS Max, or iPad Pro; the feature was not available to users of older iPhone models until now.
Besides this, Google Photos for iOS is also receiving a Color Pop feature that changes the background to black and white while keeping the subject of the portrait mode shot saturated in color to further make the subject simply ‘pop’.
While this option would previously be suggested by the Google Assistant inside Photos to allow users to start applying this treatment to specific images, it can now be triggered manually for every single photo, if the user so wishes.