It seems that Google has started rolling out new, auto-fill technology for its Google Workplace product, Google Sheets. This addition reduces work effort by auto-filling data and details on the Google Sheet page deriving information given in the input.
For instance, it will give suggestions for surnames or postcodes of postal addresses in columns or rows, after the user has entered the first direct entry.
This is not only meant for a small range of work but is meant for performing a bulk of work with sheets. It can derive information from public data from the Google Knowledge Graph.
Earlier, the auto-filling has to be manually attained via two elements:
- With Macro Recorder
- Extending formulas to enter new rows of data.
However, with this autofill option implemented by Google, manual autofill is no more required. In fact, Google has confirmed that the rolling of it will begin from November 4th onwards. Users will be able to see the suggestions automatically updated while working on this specific Google Workplace.