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Grok-2 & Grok-2 Mini: X Unveils Advanced AI Models, Now in Beta

Sreyashi Bhattacharya
Sreyashi Bhattacharya
Presently a student of International Relations at Jadavpur University. Writing has always been a form of an escape for me. In order to extend my understanding in different kinds of disciplines, mastering the art of expressing oneself through words becomes an important tool. I specialise in the field of content writing along with ghost writing for websites at the moment.

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The company owned by Elon Musk, has recently declared that the preview of Grok-2 has been officially released paving the way for a new step forward. The blog post features the upgrades available in Grok-2 in comparison to Grok-1.5. It has been said that Grok-2 has been featured with frontier capabilities in the field of technology which incorporates chat, coding, and reasoning.

The company is also introducing Grok-2 mini which is a small but functional counterpart of Grok-2. It has also been estimated that at the time of the blog release, Grok-2 is indeed outperforming both GPT-4- Turbo and Claude 3.5 Sonnet.

Grok-2 and Grok-2 mini are being rolled out officially on X. They are currently available in the beta version but efforts at making both models available via the company’s API enterprise are being organized and will be available by the end of August.

Upon evaluation, it has been concluded that Grok2 and Grok-2 mini encapsulate significant positive improvements from their previous version Grok-1.5. A series of academic benchmarks which include reasoning, reading comprehension, math, science, and coding has been used as factors in determining the improvement scale. Both the Grok 2 models have obtained performance levels competitive to other models in arenas like graduate-level science knowledge and math competition problems. Grok-2 and Grok-2 mini has also showcased excellent performance in visual-based tasks, MathVista as well as DocVQA.

It has been highlighted in the blog post that Grok-2 has showcased high levels of improvement in reasoning with retrieved information and its tool usage capabilities. These functions include correctly identifying misinformation as well as missing information, providing proper reasoning by tracking the sequence of events, and deleting irrelevant posts.

The company has revealed that they have worked consistently to improve the Grok model. They have also provided relevant information related to the user manual of the Grok models. X Premium and Premium+ users will have complete access to the two new models. Grok-2 is being referred to as the company’s state-of-the-art AI assistant with developed capabilities in visual aspects as well as textual details. It can be availed by the Grok tab in the X app. Grok-2 mini, on the other hand, is a small but integral model that creates a proper balance between speed and the quality of the answer provided.

To use these updated models of Grok Premium and f Premium+ users of X need to update the app to its latest version to beta test Grok 2.

The company has promised applications to a range of AI features, which include improved reply functions, advanced search functions, and gaining proper insights on the posts made on X all with the help of Grok. The blog post has also revealed the release of a preview of multimodal understanding which has been described as an essential aspect of the Grok experience which will be available on X and API. This news has made the users of X deeply hooked. Therefore, we can hope that the new models will be worth the hype.


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