The fitness band, Honor Band 4 has been launched in India. The Honor Band 4 will be going against the Xiaomi Mi Band 3 while it comes with a large 2.5D curved screen, user-friendly icons that are clear and crisp and can be navigated by intuitive scroll gestures and a ‘Home’ button for one-click return.
It has user-friendly icons that are clear and can be navigated using scroll gestures. It also has a home button adjacent to display for one-click return. It had a stylish pattern and improved buckle design keeping it fixed to the user’s wrist.
The Honor Band 4 packs a 100mAh battery that claims to offer a 6-day battery life with continuous heart rate measurement, and up to 17 days under regular use on a single charge. The Honor Band 4 includes Connectivity options like Bluetooth 4.2 for pairing with the Huawei Health app, and NFC support for payments. Sensors onboard include a 6-axis gyroscope, PPG heart rate sensor, and an infrared sensor.
Regarding dimensions, the Honor Band 4 measures 43×17.2×11.5mm and weigh 23 grams. Other features on the Honor Band 4 include online number identification, answering and rejecting calls, message notifications, and more.
In India, the Honor Band 4 price starts at Rs. 2,599 and has been made available in Meteorite Black, Midnight Navy, and Dahlia Pink color options. It will be an Amazon exclusive in India; it will be available for purchase starting from December 18, 2018, at 12 pm.