Xiaomi-backed Huami Corporation has launched its latest Amazfit Verge smartwatch for the Indian market. The smartwatch was first introduced in China last year. The company has also partnered with PR Innovations, a technology importer, to market the Amazfit Verge in the country.
According to Huami, the watch comes with a high-precision optical sensor for heart rate monitoring, and this drains up to 80 percent less power with an accuracy of up to 98 percent. The Huami Amazfit Verge has a 1.3-inch AMOLED display and comes with heart rate monitoring features along with the options for showing notifications from the user’s phone.
This futuristic smartwatch combines voice-controlled Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the ability to make phone calls in an ultra-modern design. The Amazfit Verge comes in Sky Grey, Twilight Blue, and Moonlight White is priced at Rs. 11,999, and will be available exclusively on Amazon. starting from tomorrow, January 15th.