Oppo recently showed its first smartphone prototype with a front camera hidden under the display. But other manufacturers are not far behind. Huawei has now registered a patent with a camera built into the display but with a slightly different operating principle.
So, the sensor, in this case, will still be visible. A rather strange decision, considering that companies are trying in every way to hide the lens. Instead, the manufacturer plans to use interface elements so that the camera does not stand out.
However, Huawei is not limited to packing the camera under the display but has just registered a whole patent for an Under Display User Interface at the German Patent Office.
Roland Quant has released some images that show where the camera sits and what features you want to bring under the display. Unlike the competition, Huawei has placed the camera in the upper left corner; there is the self-camera in the Honor View 20 and Nova 5i to find.
But not only the camera is in this area. On a picture, you can see that the duration of a call is displayed. Camera mode shows which AI mode is currently in use. This area could thus also replace the notification LED by indicating whether a call or a message has just arrived.
In short, Huawei aims to make its camera under the display as an integral part of the UI and exploit the portion of the screen so that it is unique to the rest of the interface. In this way, the camera is perfectly integrated with the interface, serving various uses based on the user’s needs.
Whether this technology really applies or whether Huawei has simply secured the patent so that no one else can do it, is still unknown. But regardless, It’s always an exciting approach.