Telegram has added a new ability to import individual chats from WhatsApp on iOS and Android to Telegram. Ever since WhatsApp’s mandatory new privacy policy came to light, users migrated to either Signal or Telegram.
Telegram reportedly is adding new features that will make it more attractive for the app’s new users. One of the significant issues that new users pointed out was importing chats from WhatsApp to Telegram.
With the new Telegram 7.4 update, now the new users can import individual chats from WhatsApp. The process is very straightforward. However, the users will have to create a group in Telegram and add members to it manually.
The users first need to use the ‘Export Chat’ option available on both iOS and Android then select the Telegram app from the iOS Share Sheet and Android Share Menu. The users can choose to do so wither with or without the chat media.
After selecting the contact, the importing process will begin, and it will take some time for the process to finish. If you are exporting chat with media, the process will take more than one minute to complete. The time will also depend on the chat’s size, either with or without the press trying to import onto Telegram.
The users can also choose to import the whole group chat to Telegram, using the same process; however, the users will need to create a new group on Telegram at the end of each cycle. After creating the group on Telegram, you will have to add members to this group manually.
The update lets users import chats individually, but it is hoped that it can collectively perform the task with future updates. The feature is currently available on both Android and iOS.