Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday said the Indian economy has started seeing “green shoots” of recovery and that the country remains one of the most open economies in the world.
He said that in these times when the world is battling the COVID-19 pandemic, it is natural to talk about revival and there is faith that the story of global revival will have India playing a leading role.
“Indians have the spirit to achieve what is believed to be impossible. No wonder that in India, we are already seeing green shoots when it comes to economic recovery,” Modi said while addressing the India Global Week 2020.
He said that India remains one of the most open economies in the world.
“We are laying the red carpet for all global companies to come and establish their presence in India. Very few countries will offer the kind of opportunities India does today,” he added.
Modi also said that there are many possibilities and opportunities in various sunrise sectors in India.
“Our reforms in agriculture provide a very attractive investment opportunity to invest in storage and logistics,” Modi said.