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Instagram is working on a video sticker update

Bipasha Mandal
Bipasha Mandal
Bipasha Mondal is writer at TechGenyz

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Instagram has been helping out small businesses ever since the pandemic hit, and are working towards making them more efficient to ensure that the small local businesses survive this hit. The Facebook-owned popular app has also made attempts to make people stay home with its ‘Stay Home’ project and the weekly takeover of their handle by well-known celebrities and artists.

Amidst all of this, updates have not stopped for this app, neither it has stopped for Facebook. A few days ago, news surfaced that Facebook acquired the GIF generating company, Giphy. Instagram was also working on making new changes in the app.

There is no doubt that the entire app has more than enough filters and games which had made quarantine more bearable for a lot of people. The various face filters and games keep entertaining everyone, and the influencers use them to their advantage and inspire people to do the same.

Now, Wong M Jane, the famous reverse engineer has tweeted that Instagram is currently working on including video stickers which the user could include in their pictures and upload them as their stories or as part of their feed.

The inclusion of stickers is not something new for Instagram. Before its users could ad emojis and several other stickers available on the platform to their photos.

The video sticker is a bit different in the sense that its part of a small video playing on a loop that could be added to photos. Wong M Jane’s tweet was followed by a sample picture of the video sticker being used on a photo.

In all its likeliness, the video stickers could be found the same way that the standard Instagram sticker is found and used. Furthermore, since the app is only testing out the update, it may take the developer team sometime before they can release it for everyone.


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