The Indian Space Research Organisation, famously known as ISRO, has drawn out a road map of lunar exploration missions after its successful lunar mission earlier this year. The finished road map has already been presented to the commission. The lunar mission is progressing rapidly based on the final analysis and recommendations of the expert committee.
In a written reply to a question in Rajya Sabha on Thursday, November 21st, the Minister of State for Atomic Energy and Space, Jitendra Singh said:
ISRO has drawn out a road map of lunar exploration missions to master the technologies required. This road map has been presented to the space commission. Based on the final analysis and recommendations of the expert committee, work on future lunar missions is progressing. – Jitendra Singh
Addressing the mission, he added that the space commission has analyzed the flight data and extensive simulations were carried out to re-construct the flight behavior. He said:
The recommendations of the expert committee will be implemented in future lunar missions.
ISRO had already put its name on the history of being the first country to reach out to the moon’s dark side. With a success rate of 99%, ISRO is already ready, looking ahead for its next attempt to conquer the Moon once again. A committee that includes many institutions, organizations, and senior scientists is already analyzing the issues of Chandrayaan-2 and the reason behind its hard landing, said ISRO spokesperson Vivek Singh.