Meizu M1E, an enigmatic device, is the focus of attention in the online macrocosm. The Chinese smartphone maker Meizu has scheduled an event on August 10 and is expected to launch Meizu M1E alongside a smartwatch. A recent leak of the device posted on Weibo seems to be the new addition to the flagship E Series.
The unit in question even seems to be in working order and by the looks of things, bears either the M1E appellation or A680M model name. The latter looks like a full model number and is written on the back. In its first look-over, the phone does look quite familiar. But its closer inspection definitely proves it is a newcomer to the scene.
In M1E, the back appears very familiar, and with a round camera and round flash beneath reminds us of the MX6, as well as the Pro 6; however, those use a curvier antenna design. M3 Note and Pro 5 do appear to have the right antenna lines, but both use a prolonged oval flash.
M1E has a 3.5mm audio jack on its bottom rather than the top frame. Moreover, MediaTek MT 6755 SoC, also known as the Helio P10, has 1080p resolution on what subjectively looks like a 5.5-inch panel and 3GB of RAM and Flyme OS 5.2.1, which appears to be based on Android 5.1.1 Lollipop.
It also offers Meizu’s standard mTouch home button – the one that combines a fingerprint reader and tapping gestures. As per the leaked images, the Meizu M1E will come with 13 MP main rear camera, although we could not verify the front camera details.