Legitimate online gaming careers that you may not know about

Online gaming is currently the fastest growing digital industry in the world, boasting of up to multiple billions in revenue every single year. Considering how big the industry is, it is safe to say that it also presents one of the highest numbers of employment opportunities across a wide range of fields.

Traditionally, the most popular career among many followers of the online gambling industry usually involves actual participation in the games that are on offer at the gaming sites. This is by no means a bad way of going about it. In fact, it remains to be one of the most lucrative careers since a single tournament can usually be enough to set a player up for life.

Even so, there is so much more to the world of online gaming and many people are yet to grasp the full potential of the industry, especially with regards to job opportunities. For this post, we are going to focus on some of the less familiar and often ignored careers that exist within the online gambling industry. Hopefully, by the time you finish reading this, you will have some ideas about which ones you would be a great fit for.

Professional Game Testing

Under normal circumstances, video game developers release preview versions of their games to their consumers. This way, they are able to receive the necessary feedback so as to allow them to make vital changes to the code or design, and thus tailor the experience according to customer preferences. However, for some highly sensitive and high-profile releases, the software development companies or game developers usually prefer to do all of the development and testing with no more than a few select people.

In such cases, professional game testers come in handy. Game testers are simply people who are paid to try out online casino games, identify some of the bugs and give feedback based on their experiences with the product. To be a professional online casino game tested all that is required is that you are of the legal age (18), can keep the details of the project a secret (you may be required to sign a non-disclosure agreement for this), are professional and can follow instructions.

Being a game tester has a lot of advantages so long as you know how to find the jobs that fit your preferences and operate within legal grounds. Once you find a gig that fits your interests, not only will you get to play some of the big-name games before they are introduced to the online casino but you also get to make some money. The pay may vary depending on the duration of testing or the type of game but, all in all, it is quite decent, to say the least.

Professional Twitch Streaming

As mentioned earlier, playing online casino games for real money is not the only way of making money. It, however, remains to be one of the best ways to do so – if you are confident in your skills at any casino game you can visit Best Online Casino Sites to kickstart your iGaming career. If, on the other hand, your gaming skills are only average but you consider yourself to be fairly entertaining, then maybe professional game streaming is perfect for you.

Twitch streamers are considered to be top-rated celebrities with legions of online gaming fans who tune in to watch them play some hands at an online poker table or spin the reels of an online slot game. It is even possible to win fans over by simply giving them some tips on how to play certain games and have better chances at winning. This should be pretty easy if you truly have a passion for online casino games since it will be like letting the world watch you indulge in your hobby and then get paid for it.

At first, the revenue may be limited to what is paid by Twitch. However, as you continue to grow your Twitch channel and expand your fanbase, you will be able to expand your revenue streams to many other things such as endorsement deals.

While Twitch is, without a doubt, the king of live streaming, YouTube takes the top spot when it comes to the more structured content which is just as popular as the streamed games. The type of gaming content you can post on YouTube may range from casino and game reviews to guides and even tips and tricks to help other online gamers improve their abilities.

Twitch and YouTube are quite distinctively different from each other but their revenue models are more or less the same – you get paid based on the number of views and if you grow big enough you can independently expand your revenue streams through endorsements, paid promotions and advertisements. Just make sure that you comply with all of the rules, regulations, and policies.


Some YouTubers and Twitch streamers double up as reviewers and this is because it is just as lucrative as any other form of information-based online business. Reviewers usually own blogs or dedicated channels on various streaming platforms and they have a huge following. Why? Well, every time you want to try out a new casino or casino game you will always try to find as much information as you can about it. This is exactly where the reviewers come in.

Reviewers try out the games beforehand and then post useful information to help you make informed decisions and in return, they profit from subscriptions, advertisements, and even endorsements. To be a successful reviewer, you’ll have to earn the trust of your audience by creating honest and accurate reviews.


The online gaming space is full of opportunities, some of which, are very exciting and profitable. In any case, it all comes down to identifying which role fits you best and that you always bring your A-game to whatever it is that you choose to do as a career.

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