Rs 4,000 crore topline project, ‘M3M Capital’ by M3M India, is a high-end luxury golf residential project, Dwarka Expressway, which clocked Rs 800 crore booking on the first three days of its launch. M3M India is offering the buyers to pay only 10 percent on booking, nothing till possession, and even get rent post possession by the Company, subject to certain terms and conditions.
Exclusive golf courses, a private foyer, a green landscape, and separate yoga and meditation area, a 60,000-square feet Clubhouse are some of the major attractions of M3M Capital, which is located in sector-113 on the Dwarka Expressway Gurugram.
“The project has close proximity to Aerocity and Delhi International Airport, and is part of the larger vision for Smart City Delhi Airport. M3M Capital luxury golf residential project has a topline of Rs 4,000 crore with development cost of about Rs 1,200 to Rs 1,500 crore, to be invested in next 24 to 30 months. Each apartment has that 0.5 extra accommodation which can be used as study-room, pooja room or for any other purpose. Once Dwarka Expressway becomes operational, which we are expecting by 2023, the connectivity between Gurugram and Delhi is all set to substantially reduce travel time for all the commuters”, says Pankaj Bansal, Director – M3M India.
The 5 residential towers of M3M Capital, being built in the area of about 16 acres, have in total 644 apartments consisting of 294 apartments of 2.5 bedrooms with 1300 square feet area, and 350 apartments of 3.5 bedrooms with 1700 square feet area. The 2.5 Bedroom apartment is priced at Rs 1.50 crore and 3 bedrooms at Rs 1.90 crore upwards.
“M3M India has been known for its quality of construction, corporate governance and timely deliveries of all the projects. We are confident that M3M Capital will also be delivered on time to the best of the interest of our buyers”, added Pankaj Bansal.
M3M India has been in the news for selling over 1000+ units of their M3M Soulitude residential project in the very first week of its launch. The Company had clocked Rs 1,000 crore sales within the first week itself. M3M India has so far delivered 40 projects in the last 10 years that include about 4 million square feet of retail space and 20 million square feet of overall space.