5 Marketing strategies every tech company should incorporate

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The tech industry is fast rising, and software and tech companies are also devising better ways to push their brands. If you are a player in this multi-billion dollar industry, you need to incorporate some creative marketing strategies to be ahead of your competitors. Here are important marketing tactics every tech company needs to leverage.

Create high-value content

People have become more sensitive to the kind of content they consume. For instance, if you are a tech business trying to attract more clients, you need to generate high-quality digital content that is relevant to your target audience. Creating low-quality content that is merely clickbait won’t attract tech clients in any way.

Aim to create long-term trust between your brand and your target buyers by coming up with a program of consistent high-value content. Although it might mean creating content that doesn’t necessarily mention your brand, it will go a long way in building trust. Tell better stories that deliver real value to your target clients.

Partnering with technology influencers

If you want to be a business leader in your niche, then you need to partner with the relevant business leaders. This is one of the easiest ways to improve your social media outreach and your credibility. For instance, you can partner with tech gurus like icreon.com to grow your business.

Tech buyers are becoming smarter by the day, which is making it difficult for normal marketing strategies to attract them. They are relying on the more recognized and trusted business leaders when shopping for service providers. Therefore, partnering with industry leaders will be an easier route to attracting sales.

Using video content

Most tech companies are using video marketing as an important tool when introducing new solutions. People are more likely to go through a two-minute video explaining something rather than spend time reading through loads of texts.

You need to create original videos that are both entertaining and informative. Come up with videos that tell compelling stories, provide solutions, and incorporate client testimonials. Whether you are doing B2B or B2C marketing, there’s no reason why your video should not be fun.

Besides the normal recordings, you can also come up with animated infographics and explainer videos. This will help to illustrate and explain the kind of products, services, or solutions you offer to prospective clients.

Re-marketing to active clients

Most marketing campaigns focus on acquiring new clients and forget about the existing ones. Your current clients are a big asset to your business. You need to create systems and programs that re-market to active clients on a consistent basis. This will help you retain your customers and encourage cross-selling of other services and products.

Re-marketing is effective for increasing the spending of your existing customers and encouraging referrals. For instance, you can create a customer portal where your existing clients will be logging in daily to check for new products or promotions. You can design this as an information hub where you announce new services and products.

You can also come up with customer communities and nurturing programs that attract your clients to keep visiting your site.

Using live events to collect leads

Interacting with your clients on a face-to-face basis can improve sales significantly. Most tech buyers are more interested in knowing and interacting with their business partners in person. This is mainly to avoid pretenders who are not serious or honest about what they advertise.

Ensure you have a team of knowledgeable marketers attending various events that are related to your line of business. This would be a great opportunity to showcase the tech solutions you offer.

Bottom line

Every tech company needs topnotch marketing strategies to beat the competition. You need to come up with creative marketing strategies that will attract more tech clients. This list is a good start to watch your success grow exponentially.

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