In 2016 we saw the introduction of Stephen Strange, played by Benedict Cumberbatch, in the Marvel Cinematic Universe with the movie Doctor Stranger. The surgeon who became one of the galaxy’s greatest images proved to be an important piece on the great board of the studio.
After learning many things from the Elder in his first solo movie, he proved to be a powerful opponent in Avengers: Infinity War. However, it ended up being erased from existence with the Decimation, name given to the mortal thrust of the Thanos villain.
The character must return to life in Avengers: End Game, which had its trailer released last week. And now, a sequel to the 2016 movie has been confirmed, to the delight of fans.
Many looked forward to it, especially after the post-credits scene of the first film, which shows Baron Mordo, played by Chiwetel Ejiofor, promising to kill many of the wizards on the planet.
Scott Derrickson, director of the first feature film, was confirmed for the sequel to the story of the Supreme Magician of the comic books. Like him, we can wait for the return of Benedict Wong, who gives life to the character Wong, and Rachael McAdams as Christine Palmer.
The latest information says the director is now looking for a screenwriter for Doctor Strange 2, which has yet to be released. In addition, the rumors still talk about the possibility of the film arriving at the cinemas on May 7, 2021, but that date has not yet been confirmed.