Samsung starts New Year with the launch of its mid-range smartphone Galaxy C9 Pro in India. The Korean technology giant launched the flagship device in China last year which is the first smartphone from the company to pack 6GB of RAM. Samsung announced that in February 2017 the device will be available across all retail channels with a price tag of Rs. 36,900.
Samsung Galaxy C9 Pro to pack with a 6-inch 1080p AMOLED display powered by the Qualcomm Snapdragon 653 processor. The smartphone contains 64GB of internal memory that is expandable up to 256GB via a microSD slot.
On the camera part, the Galaxy C9 sports a 16-megapixel camera for rear and front both providing better picture quality. The upcoming device is expected to give a boost to Samsung’s revenue after the Note 7 blunder. Galaxy C9 Pro supports dual SIM with 4G LTE connectivity and runs on the latest Android Marshmallow OS. Since battery backup is the major issue in smartphones the device to pack with a 4,000mAh battery with boost charge support along with a front-mounted fingerprint sensor and USB Type-C data and charging port.
For now, the device will be available in two colour variants – Black and Gold.