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Minecraft Upcoming Dungeons Diaries: Luminous Night Second Season Release Date and More

Amar Roy
Amar Roy
An enthusiastic gamer who enjoys writing about games and playing BR genre games.

As previously stated, Minecraft has officially confirmed the upcoming event in the game, entitled “Luminous Night Seasonal Adventure.” After a positive response to the first season of Minecraft Dungeons, the Luminous Night second season is just a few steps away from being released in the game.

There will be plenty of new awards to obtain, just like the first season – rewards that look especially attractive at nighttime. Skins, scarves, emotes, and flairs will illuminate the surroundings. Minecraft’s official youtube channel posted a dedicated video, and Mojang has posted a dev blog that goes through everything Luminous Night has to focus on providing in great depth.

Minecraft Dungeons Diaries: Luminous Night second season

This season, other than the first season will witness darker textures and luminous symbols which will appear on the Minecraft towers. In addition, a gloomy setting will also be introduced in the camp area with more realistic fog and light effects.

The theme for this Luminious night second season will be based on the nighty-luminous party theme.

Luminous Night second season event and pet details

The Luminous night will offer new luminous-themed skins and cosmetics. Players will get to see some changes in the decoration of the Tower floors due to the addition of luminous symbols to it. 

Meanwhile, new charming pets like the ministrosity and abomination will be part of the Luminous season second. The boss-like creatures can now be equipped as pets in the game.

This season also features “Wildfire,” the event mob which has a menacing attack characterization that implies it will irradiate players, making it a good match for the submerged creatures. The Wildfire mob has four shields, players have to destroy its shield to before delivering any damage to the mob’s health.

The issue of item carrying has been addressed, and the player will now receive a Storage chest that can hold up to 300 items. Players can also carry this chest around with them and use the items within whenever they want.

What is the release date for the second season of Minecraft Luminous Night?

The second season will be released on 20 April 2022.  The Luminous Night event allows players to earn pets and enjoy the new theme by completing missions.

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