Eight months since the release of Android Nougat 7.0 Google has added multiple new features for Android-powered smartphones. One of it features is a “pin application” that will allow users to pin an app or contacts to the share menu. Android 7.0 has an accumulation of its features like battery optimization, multi-window mode, and many more.
The “Pin” feature is basically designed to pin an app in the share menu, and it is quite simple to use. You just have to long press the icon, and there will be menu pop-up you just have to click on the “pin” option then your app will go to the top of the share menu.
For example, if you want to pin the Messenger or Slack app then you can do the same. You can pin apps like Facebook, Hangouts, Twitter – not only this the new feature will allow you to pin your Messenger contacts to the top of the menu bar. But there is a little annoying thing in the new update – once you pin your Messenger contact the app itself will automatically get pinned.