The mesmerizing Apple Fitness Plus has just got launched by Apple. The feature is specially designed to help you stay fit and healthy. To be precise, the Apple Fitness Plus application allows you to workout anywhere, anytime. The user can operate it from their smartwatch and get the screen live in their preferred Apple device.
The benefits of Apple Fitness Plus includes the following:
- Choose workout type including dance, yoga, rowing, cycling.
- No equipment required
- Trained by experts
Apart from these, the Apple Fitness Plus comes with music to help you stay motivated during workouts. Perks are available for Apple Music Plus subscriber as they can create their own customized playlist.
Apple has embedded health and fitness feature in the Apple Watch, which can show you a variety of metrics about activities like running, cycling, swimming, or rowing. Now Apple can help tell you how to exercise beyond encouraging you to close your workout rings.
For those who are new to the trend of working out, they have the beginner’s program to introduce the newcomer to the art of working out and staying fit. The privacy of the app is well maintained and all the progress of the workout is stored in the user’s Apple account. The application comes at a cost of $ 9.99/ month and $79.99 for one year.
At the same event, Apple CEO Tim Cook announced the new Apple Watch Series 6. At launch, Fitness Plus will be available in Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States.