Oculus has launched today its first standalone VR headset Oculus Go. Equipped with a 538ppi 2560 x 1440 WQHD, fast-switch LCD display, the Oculus Go shall provide its users with the best optics of any VR system they have created to date, at their most affordable price point yet; starting at $199 USD for 32 GB of storage, and $249 USD for the 64 GB model.
While the built-in spatial audio and an integrated microphone allow complete immersion into the world of VR; the headset weight, support straps, and facial interface have all been optimized to maximize user comfort in this innovative device, adding to it the benefit of its portability and independence from phones and PCs.
The Oculus Go launch has been set to amaze users with over 1000 games, apps, and experiences to choose from, which includes both original content featuring world-class IPs as well as tried-and-true Gear VR classics, along with new selections coming soon.
The Oculus Go features an updated Oculus Room with the redesigned and customizable environment and more life-like avatars. The updated Room is all set to usher in the tabletop game Boggle from Hasbro this month, along with Monopoly and Trivial Pursuit brand experiences coming soon. It is also going to provide users with the ability to watch full-length movies from hundreds of top titles in the Oculus Store.
Oculus Venues, a feature allowing users to connect with other fans and watch from any angle live social events in VR like concerts, sports, and comedy nights, is all set to launch on Oculus Go and Gear VR on May 30th. The high-quality events lined up for Oculus Venues include Major League Baseball games, stadium shows from artists like Vance Joy, movie screenings from Lionsgate; along with a wide range of experiences in partnership with NextVR like ICC soccer, intimate gigs with emerging musicians from School Night at the Bardot, and standup events like Gotham Comedy Club.
At F8 2018, Oculus also revealed Oculus TV today, which has been endowed with a custom-built 3D environment, a massive screen, a virtual seating area, and a convenient hub to launch individual VR entertainment apps, like Hulu and SHOWTIME, all set to revolutionize the consumption of serialized content. Oculus TV shall launch later this May and has for its partners Pluto TV, Red Bull TV, and the Facebook video app for TV.
Lastly, the Oculus Gallery on Oculus Go shall allow users to stream their personal media from Facebook, Instagram, Dropbox, phone, and more directly on the headset.
The Oculus Go can be ordered online at oculus.com in 23 countries, starting from today, or it can be bought from select retailers in the US, including Amazon, Best Buy (online and in-store), and Newegg. The Oculus for Business program has added Oculus Go to its list of devices for the benefit of companies looking to bring the convenience of standalone VR to their employees and customers. Oculus has introduced a new bundle including a commercial license, extra facial interfaces, a WW power adaptor, and dedicated customer support, everything from training to sales and out-of-home marketing to making things easier and more affordable.