OnePlus launched the OnePlus Watch Cobalt Limited Edition in India on July 16, 2021. The middle frame of the watch, which in the original version was made up of stainless steel, utilizes the cobalt alloy. The new additions to the Limited Edition are not limited to only incorporating the cobalt alloy in its middle frame. The glass of the watch, too, now features a new sapphire glass.
The OnePlus Watch Cobalt Edition features a 1.39-inch HD AMOLED display with a resolution of 454 x 454 pixels. As was the case with the original version of the OnePlus Watch, the Cobalt edition watch to lets its users control their smartphone’s settings through the watch. A point of departure for the Limited Edition would be the addition of over 110 workout modes in its core exercise features.
The OnePlus Watch Cobalt Limited Edition features standard Bluetooth, GPS, an IP68 rating, and 5ATM water resistance. Moreover, it is powered by a 402 mAh battery that supports Warp Charge fast charging. The watch is supposed to provide up to a week’s service with just 20 minutes of charge. Furthermore, the company also claims that just 5 minutes worth of charge could power the watch throughout the day.
The OnePlus Watch Cobalt Limited Edition can also be a remote control for the OnePlus smart TV. It can detect if the user is asleep, and choose to turn the TV off after 30 minutes of sleep detection. Whenever the user gets a phone call on their connected smartphones, the watch possesses the ability to lower the volume of the TV.
The new OnePlus Watch Cobalt Limited Edition is priced at INR 19,999 in India, and the sale went live on July 16 at 12 pm through, OnePlus Store App, and OnePlus Experience Stores.