OnePlus confirmed in 2017 that it’s OP X will not have a successor. Late, there had been rumors going around that the Chinese brand is developing a OnePlus X2 model that’s to be launched by this year. Carl Pei put a no-no to this, pointing out that it is fake news.
OnePlus X didn’t do well in the market after being released in 2015. Negative reviews and blockades in competing on the low-segment were the black spots. Rumors of OP X2 fueled out because a majority believed that OnePlus could come up with a surprise or exceed expectations in features to turn things around. That’s off the table now!
OnePlus does have another card to play, though, and that’s the OnePlus 6. CEO Pete Lau recently said in an interview that OP 6 would be launched towards the end of 2018’s second quarter. He as well stated that the smartphone will pack Qualcomm’s latest Snapdragon 845 SoC.
An advanced facial recognition technology inspired by iPhone X is expected in the OnePlus 6. Another report suggested that an under-display fingerprint sensor could as well be present. Therefore, a full-screen display with minimum bezels is a possibility.