Oppo A15 is all set to launch in India very soon. The company now is teasing the phone with a few of its specs highlighted, on Amazon. The latest teaser in this category reveals more about the smartphone than was previously disclosed. Apart from the specs detailed on the teaser, key specifications of the Oppo A15 have also leaked online. A recent tweet from the Twitter handle TechTipster also lists the key specs of the upcoming smartphone.
The company has updated its Amazon India page to include a few of the specs of the smartphone. The phone features a 6.52-inch HD+ IPS LCD display screen with a waterdrop-style notch. The company claims that it will come with eye protection and AI Brightness that will automatically adjust the brightness based on the user’s preference and the AI will learn over time from the user. A picture of the front display of the smartphone reveals that the bottom of the display will feature a moderate-sized bezel.
Under the hood, the smartphone will run on MediaTek Helio P35 SoC that will be paired with 3GB of RAM. Internal storage is likely to be at 32GB which could be expanded through a microSD card (up to 256GB). The phone is supposed to measure 164x75x8mm and weigh about 175 grams. It is supposed to run on Android 10-based ColorOS 7.2 and runs on a 4230mAh battery.
The back of the camera features a triple camera setup that consists of a 13-MP main camera, 2 MP macro lens, and a 2MP depth lens. As for the selfie camera, it is 5MP. The back of the smartphone also features the fingerprint scanner.
Although there has been no official statement regarding the launch date, it is expected that the Oppo A15 will go on sale on October 16. The price of the smartphone is yet to be revealed.